For Arts Sake Framing Prize awarded to Nick Richards
Our annual framing prize, awarded at the Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers’ exhibition in London, goes to a printmaker whose masterful etchings depict the wind-lashed waterways of the capital

We are delighted to announce printmaker Nick Richards as the recipient of the For Arts Sake Framing Prize, awarded at the Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers ‘RE Original Prints’ exhibition at Bankside Gallery last night.
Nick’s etching and aquatint was chosen from more than 100 works on show, with gallery director Brian Davis saying: “We loved the simplicity of this piece and the atmosphere that can be created with this combination of techniques.”
The prize awards £250 of framing services to a chosen printmaker each year. Nick, an Associate Member of the RE – which, founded in 1880, is one of the world’s most prestigious printmaking institutions – graduated from the Royal College of Art in 1986.
He has gained renown for his masterful depictions of the wind-lashed waterways and stormy skylines of the capital, attracted in particular to the dramatic tidal level of the Thames and its rapidly changing landscape.
The print ‘Crossing’ is part of a suite of works called ‘Silent Highway’.
The RE Original Prints exhibition is a group show of RE members’ works, running on the South Bank’s Bankside Gallery to June 9. A specially curated show of 80 pieces then opens at For Arts Sake in Ealing, west London, from June 15-July 8. It spans the full breadth of printmaking techniques, from etchings to wood engravings, screenprints and linocuts, with some stellar names including Angie Lewin, Gail Brodholt, Mychael Barratt, Gerry Baptist and Paul Catherall featuring.
For more on Nick visit his website at