Natasha Kumar | Exhibition
Natasha Kumar, an established Anglo-Indian artist, will be exhibiting a collection of her work at our gallery this month. Natasha has long been captivated by this fascinating continent, both as an artist and as a traveller and in the exhibition, India. Life and Landscape, she captures the essence of India.
Art and India are in Natasha Kumar’s genes. On her English side she comes from a long line of established artists: her Indian heritage she traces back to Kashmir and Afghanistan via stories of partition and lost family gold. With a string of successful exhibitions she has made her own name as an artist from the age of 17, when, earning a place by right in the Royal Academy Show she found her work hanging on the same wall as paintings by her grandfather and uncle.
She has a dedicated and growing following of collectors. Her work is represented in private and national collections worldwide including the Howard de Walden Estate and Cambridge University Press. She lives and works in London.
Natasha Kumar first excelled as a printmaker; going from a first class degree at Manchester to teaching in Sheffield, and studying in Venice. She completed her MA in London in 2000, winning the London Printmaking Prize the same year. Since then she has been regularly selected for group shows that include The New English Art Club, The Discerning Eye, The National Print and Art Expo New York