Colin Moore
Colin Moore was born on the Clyde Coast in Scotland in 1949. He studied
architecture in Glasgow, and worked in architectural practice till 1992.
Between 1992 and 2004 he worked as a creative director with a number of international
design and branding consultancies and since 2004 has concentrated on painting and print making.
He has lived in Spain and Venezuela, in London for sixteen years until 2013, and currently
lives in Dorset.
He paints in oil and makes prints using a multi-block linocut technique.
The work is mostly British landscape, especially coastal subjects. He has
contributed to group exhibitions as a member of Southbank Printmakers Association,
Greenwich Printmakers Association, with the London Printmakers group,
and to numerous solo and group shows in commercial galleries and public exhibition
spaces in the UK.
In 2013, Colin completed a large mural commission for Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Hospital Trust and in 2015 was commissioned by Ted Baker for Hilton Hotels, to produce the mural in the reception area of the new Bournemouth Hilton.
Colin is the author of “Propaganda Prints, art in the service of social and political change”,
which was published by Bloomsbury in August 2010. He speaks from time to time on the
subject of propaganda art, most recently at the British Museum in February 2015.
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