Vicky Oldfield
Vicky Oldfield is a contemporary artist and printmaker who creates bold collagraph prints from her own home studio. She uses experimental techniques to create her unique works on paper starting by using a variety of recycled materials such as card, fabric and string on a printing plate. She then inks up and prints the image onto paper using an etching press, finishing it with watercolour paints, cut-out vintage labels and wrapping paper. Her work can be described as floral with a contemporary twist, the subject matter including watercolour painted flowers and objects of nature and everyday life. Vicky states that she does not print for the purpose of producing an edition – for her it is all about the unique marks that can be created with printmaking techniques that she would be unable to do without the process. Vicky works mainly from sketches, but puts the composition together as she would do a design, focusing on pattern and shape.
Background & Influcences
Vicky attended art college during the 80’s and later went on to work as a textile and wallpaper designer. After starting a family, she decided to start printmaking at home. As a teenager, Vicky did not enjoy school life but always took pleasure in creating. She was greatly encouraged by her art teacher, who took an interest in her talents and positively influenced her artistic life.
Vicky takes her inspiration from countryside walks with her dog, taking note of the plants, seed heads and other natural found objects. She loves to gather information from hedgerows and wild fields; inspired by the close study of plants that she finds.
Vicky also takes inspiration from visiting art shows in London. Recently she has been to see Sonia Delauney at the Tate, and also enjoys a trip to the Bankside Gallery to admire other contemporary printmakers. Her favourite artists are Paul Klee, Mary Fedden, Michael Morgan, Hockey, and Matisse. Elizabeth Blackadder is also a great inspiration to Vicky; a Scottish painter and printmaker who paints subjects of the natural world and is also the first woman to be elected to both the Royal Scottish Academy and the Royal Academy.
Vicky’s favourite of her own works are the large thistles, which are to be shown in an upcoming exhibition in our Ealing Gallery later this year.
Vicky dedicates her days to printmaking, sometimes all working well and other days finding it challenging, but she views this as a journey, remaining optimistic that the next picture will always be better!
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